We got home late Friday night on Easter weekend, so the Easter Bunny was pretty busy on Saturday trying to get ready. We managed, and plenty of candy was had by all. Lily had to give all of her chocolates to me, poor thing, but she got to keep her stuffed bunny.

My mom, my brother Bill, and his fiance Stefanie came over to meet Lily on Easter.

Lily does love her food--so far she seems to like everything we've fed her. Taken 3/29/08.

With three rowdy older brothers, it's important to know how to use a weapon. Taken 3/31/08.

She absolutely LOVES these Gears. Her favorite toys! They make good teethers too I guess, because she likes to chew on them. She's just starting to get her two bottom front teeth coming through. Taken 4/13/08.

Lily would be happy to relieve Anna of her freezer pop. Taken 4/18/08.

So angelic; she fell asleep with her upper lip sucked in. Taken 4/19/08.

Thomas teaching Lily the proper way to use a stick. 4/19/08

Heh, heh. I know how to use a stick now, Mom!

We went to my cousin's daughter Sarah's wedding 4/26/08. Here are some pictures from the reception:

William was slightly bored.

Anna talking to my niece, Kelley, and her beautiful new baby Kate. Kate was born on 3/21/08, the day we spent under siege in a snowstorm at O'hare airport trying to get home.

Thomas being Thomas. I'm not sure what Richard's problem is.

Anna dancing with the bride, Sarah.

Lily with Grandma and soon-to-be Aunt Stefanie.

Then a week later, on 5/3/08, we had another wedding to attend, this one for Don's niece Amanda. Yes, she's wearing the same dress--shoot me. Here's Lily attending a little princess party with Anna and some of her little cousins.

Two of the princesses, Maria (top center) and Olivia (right) were adopted from Guatemala. Their sister Isabel is in the pink dress in the middle, and another cousin, Makenzie (sorry if I spelled that wrong, Matt & Karrie!) is on the left.

We've also started the soccer season:

My two handsome little cub scouts.

Lily started pulling herself up to stand by the coffee table not long after we came home, then soon after that she became an expert at cruising while holding onto the edge of the table. Now recently she has begun to let go and can stand and balance without holding anything. It won't be long now before she's walking unassisted. I'm betting it will be before her first birthday, which is 6/22. These pics were taken on 5/25/08:

She's adjusted very well and is a happy baby. She loves her brothers and sisters, and they adore her in return. We just all love her to pieces are so lucky to have her!
I have just spent a good chunk of my birthday reading your entire saga! I couldn't stop. I wanted to see how it ended! :) The great part is, it never will!
What a sweet story and Lily and your whole family are just beautiful!
What a great photo update! Lily is gorgeous and absolutely thriving. I can't wait until I have the same thrill!!!!
Thanks for posting all the photos. It was great to see them all!!!
~ Michelle
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